Join the Go Back to Natural Movement

Back to Natural Movement

The Go Back to Natural Movement promotes living in harmony with nature, embracing spirituality, and improving mental and physical health through the use of natural products and techniques. This includes using natural resources wisely and reducing the impact of human activities on the environment. Some examples of these movements are:

Zero Waste

Zero waste is a philosophy and a practice that aims to reduce the amount of waste that humans produce. By adopting zero waste principles, such as refusing, reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting, people can minimize their environmental impact and conserve natural resources. So, zero waste also promotes social justice and economic efficiency, as it encourages people to share, donate, repair, and make ethical choices.


Minimalism is a way of living that focuses on simplicity, spirituality, quality and intentionality and it means replacing the ambition for material possessions with spirituality and mindfulness. By doing so, minimalist lifestyle advocates claim to experience more freedom, joy, peace and fulfillment. A minimalist lifestyle is not about deprivation of prosperity, but about finding what is essential and meaningful for each individual.

Organic or Natural Farming

Organic or natural farming is a method of agriculture that relies on natural processes and inputs, such as compost, manure, crop rotation, and biological pest control and it does not use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms. Indeed, natural farming aims to enhance soil fertility, biodiversity, animal welfare, and human health.


Pescatarianism is a dietary choice in which people consume fish and shellfish but not meat from land animals. This practice may be seen as a compromise between vegetarianism and omnivorous diets, providing a method to get the health advantages of a plant-based diet while still eating animal protein. Pescatarians often chose this lifestyle for health, environmental, or ethical grounds including land animals and It’s a versatile diet that may be tailored to include dairy and eggs based on personal preferences and nutritional objectives.

Natural Beauty

Natural beauty is the practice of using natural ingredients and methods to enhance one’s appearance and well-being. Some examples of natural beauty care are using honey as a moisturizer, lemon as a bleaching agent, oatmeal as a scrub, and aloe vera as a soothing gel. Green beauty care can have many benefits, such as being gentle on the skin, reducing the risk of allergic reactions, saving money, and being environmentally friendly.

Natural Health

Natural health is a broad term that covers various forms of healthcare that rely on natural remedies and the body’s self-healing abilities. Some examples of natural medicine include herbal medicine, which uses plants or plant extracts to treat or prevent diseases, naturopathy, which combines different natural therapies such as diet, exercise, hydrotherapy, and acupuncture, and complementary and alternative medicine, which encompasses a range of practices that are not part of conventional medicine.

Natural tourism

Green or Natural tourism is a type of tourism that involves visiting natural attractions and destinations, such as national parks, wildlife reserves, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, and forests. Natural tourism can offer many benefits to travelers, such as relaxation, adventure, education, and appreciation of nature. Natural tourism can also promote environmental awareness and conservation, as well as support local communities and cultures.

These are just some of the examples of the go back to natural movement. There are many more ways to embrace this lifestyle, depending on your personal preferences, values, and goals. The main idea is to live in a way that respects nature and yourself.

Why is the go back to natural movement important?

The go back to natural movement is important for many reasons. Here are some of the benefits of adopting this lifestyle:

Improves your health: by using natural products and practices, you can avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins that can cause various diseases and disorders. You can also boost your immune system, prevent infections, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, enhance mood, and more.

Saves you money: by reducing your consumption of unnecessary or disposable items, you can save money and invest it in more meaningful things. You can also make your own products or buy them in bulk or from local sources, which can lower your expenses.

Protects the environment: by minimizing your waste and carbon footprint, you can help preserve the natural resources and biodiversity of the planet. You can also support ethical and sustainable businesses and organizations that care about the environment.

Enriches your life: by living in harmony with nature, you can experience more joy, peace, gratitude, creativity, and spirituality. You can also connect with like-minded people who share your values and vision.

How can you join the go back to natural movement?

Joining the go back to natural movement is not as hard as it may seem. You don’t have to change everything at once or follow strict rules. You can start small and gradually make changes that suit your lifestyle and needs. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Educate yourself: learn more about the go back to natural movement and its benefits. Read books, blogs, articles, watch videos, listen to podcasts, etc. You can also join online or offline communities where you can find support and inspiration from other people who are on the same journey.

Audit your life: take a look at your current habits and choices. Identify what areas of your life you want to change or improve. For example, you may want to switch to natural beauty products or reduce your plastic use.

Make a plan: set realistic and specific goals for yourself. For example, you may want to start composting your food scraps or buy organic produce from a local farmer’s market. Write down your goals and track your progress.

Take action: implement your plan step by step. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Be flexible and adaptable. Celebrate your achievements and learn from your mistakes.


Remember that the go back to natural movement is not a competition or a judgment. It is a personal journey that reflects your values and aspirations. It is also a continuous process that requires patience and perseverance. Don’t compare yourself to others or feel guilty if you make mistakes. Just do your best and enjoy the process!


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