Advocating Natural Health Support for Armed Forces Veterans with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a major concern for veterans of the armed forces, with many cases resulting from their active service. The path to rehabilitation and treatment of PTSD is difficult and diverse, with natural health therapies gaining recognition for their potential advantages.

Natural Health Practices

Natural health methods, such as spending time outdoors, have been shown to benefit soldiers suffering from PTSD. Activities such as hiking, camping, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and skiing may provide therapeutic benefits. These exercises not only provide physical exercise, but also help to challenge feelings of vulnerability and facilitate a smoother transition back into civilian life.

Organizations such as the Wounded Warrior Project provide a variety of services for soldiers seeking mental health and PTSD therapy. These include outdoor mental health seminars and weekly phone conversations to provide support and a listening ear. Similarly, the Veterans Affairs study emphasizes the need for increasing social support for veterans with PTSD and maximizing treatment response. Furthermore, research has shown that basic outdoor hobbies like walking, riding, and gardening may help veterans manage stress. These results highlight the importance of including natural health practices within the overall care package for soldiers with PTSD.

It is important to recognize that, although natural health practices may be beneficial, they are just one part of a broader, more complete treatment plan that may include therapy, medications, and social support. Veterans interested in exploring natural health solutions should speak with healthcare specialists to ensure a safe and successful approach to addressing PTSD.

Greenerweek Recommendation

Greenerweek advocates the creation of natural mental health centers. These clinics, which will be placed near nature or the ocean, are the most effective methods for our warriors to deal with PTSD. These clinics will have swimming pools, gyms, libraries, and dance-art schools where patients may learn natural mood-management techniques. At 6:00 a.m., patients will get up and go to the beach for exercise before engaging in manual activities and therapy. The schedule is entertaining and well-organized, enabling patients to discover which activities they love the most. The duration of stay at these facilities should be studied and set between three and six months. The most important goals of these centers are to teach veterans discipline, self-confidence, and to promote their socialization.

Manual Activities and PTSD

Manual activities are a therapeutic technique for those dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. These hobbies, which vary from basic occupations like gardening or crafts to more formal skills like carpentry or painting, allow veterans to channel their energy and concentrate on producing something constructive. Working with one’s hands may be contemplative and calming, providing a feeling of control and achievement. Furthermore, manual tasks may provide a nonverbal avenue for expressing feelings and processing events that may be difficult to convey via words.

Breathing retraining

Breathing retraining, which focuses on calm, regulated breaths, may supplement manual activities by encouraging relaxation and attention. Worksheets and planned activities may also help people understand and control their symptoms, promoting post-traumatic development and resilience. Individuals must seek out activities that connect with them individually in order to maximize therapeutic advantages and assist their recovery process.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complicated and difficult disease, but there are natural health practices that may supplement orthodox therapy. Mindfulness meditation, stress management, and relaxation activities may help people deal with their symptoms. Furthermore, adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical exercise and a well-balanced diet, may improve overall health. Before beginning any new treatment program, you should contact a healthcare expert.