How does Nature Impact our Wellbeing Nature is a powerful source of healing, happiness and wellbeing. Many studies have shown that spending time in nature or viewing scenes of nature can reduce stress, improve mood, enhance attention and boost immunity. In this blog post, we will explore some of the…

Edadismo y Bienestar

Cómo combatir los estereotipos negativos y promover el envejecimiento positivo La discriminación por edad es la discriminación o prejuicio contra las personas en función de su edad, especialmente los adultos mayores. Puede adoptar muchas formas, como estereotipos, bromas, insultos, exclusión, abuso o negligencia. La discriminación por edad puede tener efectos…

Ageism and Wellbeing

How to Combat Negative Stereotypes and Promote Positive Aging Ageism is the discrimination or prejudice against people based on their age, especially older adults. It can take many forms, such as stereotypes, jokes, insults, exclusion, abuse, or neglect. Ageism can have negative effects on the wellbeing of older adults, such…

La Canela y una Vida Saludable

La canela es una especia que se ha utilizado durante siglos por sus propiedades medicinales. Se elabora a partir de la corteza interna de los árboles pertenecientes al género Cinnamomum, y hay dos tipos principales: la canela de Ceilán y la canela Cassia. La canela de Ceilán también se conoce…

Cinnamon and a Healthy Life

Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is made from the inner bark of trees belonging to the genus Cinnamomum, and there are two main types: Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is also known as “true” cinnamon, while Cassia cinnamon…