To my dream love

A lot of love… a lot of love is the love I dreamt of. Amazing when one is really feeling strong feelings.
The reasons I want you so much have nothing to do with your attractiveness, my admiration for you, or my profound desires for you.
Kisses are a faraway manifestation of our love, but every inch of my body—my lips, my eyes, and my hands—have chosen you. Right now, you are all I want, love, and need.
My love for you is so great that I will never stop composing poetry only for you. I hope you always understand how much I want you.
I dream of the day when you’ll understand my deepest desires, the burden of your mind on my spirit, the softness of my touch, the passionate kisses on your body, the delicate caress of my hands on your skin, and the kisses on your forehead.
By responding to my letters and letting me feel your kisses on my lips, you have shown your love, admiration, and desire for me.
I dream of the day we will be able to share a passionate embrace, when our bodies will be massaged and our spirits lifted, when you will no longer be limited to being yourself but will be able to embrace me wholeheartedly and let our love radiate. I really need this, and you have no clue.

Yucatán 2024, Gustavo Bejarano


The Art is Centric to the ‘Back to Natural’ Movement – THE GREENER WEEK