Green & Govis Bloom?

If I can sum up the importance of prayer into one big reason, it would be this: prayers help us grow closer to God.  If God is close to us, what else do we have to fear?


We’re not convinced that climate change is real, but we believe that promoting a healthy lifestyle is vital.  For Govis Bloom, green means health, fitness, and mindfulness. Nevertheless, the most important element of our green definition is freedom. It is impossible for us to be healthy without freedom and liberty.

The impact of prayer and meditation on our overall well-being is remarkably similar. Nevertheless, communist-leaning employers can terminate their employees for praying but not for meditating. Here is an example:  one of my friends was praying at lunch when his boss entered his office. The supervisor considered it to be wise to reprimand my friend and talk to human resources.

Socialization is a crucial aspect of our daily existence. However, we are discouraged from joining Christian fraternities, such as the Knights of Columbus, by the left. They’re viewed as anti-feminist and ultra-right.