Humble Art of National Parallelism

It is better to have a modest origin and live satisfied among the humble, than to strut in splendid anger and cover a sadness of gold.

In a microscopic,
and prodigious universe,
against the blue sea,
and from silver to a heavenly frond,
It is a city of illustrious artists,
of the most jovial humility.
There art flourishes
more exuberant and diverse,
how captivating,
to the clairvoyant intellects.
an orbit of love
and quixotic art,
that remains original,
to its natural simplicity,
because talent is enemy,
of all the grotesque,
of greed, envy,
and the greedy impudence.
They are there, waiting
a mighty miracle,
to raise with fervor,
his lineage to lucidity,
to impress,
to the deluded with his aplomb,
to dethrone,
with his upside down ability.
In a minuscule,
and even an unlikely perimeter,
that everyone covets,
visit sometime,
titans Are Born,
of an unusual modernism,
that deserve ceramic tributes,
for his observance of candor.

Blessed be your lives!