Two Homelands

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An individual's duty lies where it is most useful.  - Jose Marti

Two Homelands

If tomorrow, I am urged to raise my wings,
high, but very high, in eternal flight,
fenced by angelical swallows,
i would do it with honor and pride,
on a quixotic engraved canvas,
for I have given my soul, and my hands,
to my two cherished realms,
Cuba and America sprouted from the same roots,
and chained to matching identical branches,
i have only tried to unite them in eternal alliance,
to spread righteousness and good endeavors,
for they have plundered us of our boldness,
sons of champions we emerged,
and as victors we will soon be reborn,
well, communism, Satan!
will retreat to his bloodthirsty caves,
I have never wanted to cease to love my homelands,
for I love them, like two seagulls,
Behind a tocororo and an eagle!
in Jesus’ name, Amen!!

Blessed be your souls!!