What would my life be?

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The purpose of art is to capture what we feel and not describe what we see or imagine.

Jose Norberto

What would my life be?

What would my life be?
without my guitar, scriptures and crusades,
a pile of bones covered with bonds,
a banal story, full of misadventures.
What would my life be?
without the skillful piano of my legatee,
a contest, of filth, covert,
filled with greed without parishioner experiences.
What would my life be?
If Van Gogh hadn’t cut off his ear,
hundreds of verses, that would never be read,
a cabal of chimerical stanzas exiled.
What would my life be?
fiction pure fiction, and my vanished chastity!
all my creativity for exchanged clay coins,
and my loyalty to the artisans in deflowered triads.

¡Bendecidas sean sus almas!